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Page 1

The sky lit up with a brilliance that caused little
MingSi to squeeze his eyes tightly shut. His ears
turned this way and that, tuning in the sounds around
him. He fled back to the safety of the tree and peered
around the trunk. He looked and listened, it was an
awesome display. The sky was so bright, lit by the
radiance of creatures with large, unfurled wings and
beautiful faces. Their robes shown brighter than
anything he had ever seen in his very young life.

The air was filled with singing and joyful shouts. The
sheep were bleating, shepherds were kneeling with faces
to the ground. Why, even the sheepdog was fixed in one
spot with his wet tongue hanging out and eyes wide
open. He was barely breathing. MingSi knew just how
he felt.

~~Page 4~~

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