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A Meezer's First Christmas

Little MingSi tore out for home as fast as his tiny
legs could carry him. As he rounded the corner in a
puff of dirt and dust, he collided with his Mother who
was just starting out to look for her baby.

They both went sprawling and when they had righted
themselves, Mother began giving many cleansing tongue licks.
MingSi started talking faster than he had ever talked
in his whole life. He told his Mother in one very
long breath the things he had seen and heard. He told
her that the Shepherds were leaving their flocks to
follow a very bright star, something about a baby, a
very special baby who had been born and they were going
to see Him.

He wasn't sure what a baby was, but he begged his
Mother to go too. She grew very curious and being a
feline, her curiosity got the better of her. She could
see the light and hear the singing, so she packed a
little lunch and they quietly slipped out into the

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