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A Meezer's First Christmas

They joined in the procession behind the others and
walked for a long, long time. They did not grow weary
because of their great excitement and the sure knowledge
that something, something, very special was happening.
MingSi's Mother said she could not recall anything like
this in her lifetime.

They came to a village and the star they were following
stopped right over a little, shabby stable. They
could hear the sounds of barnyard creatures and there
was something, or someone, inside. They slowly went
closer and closer until they could see two of the two
legged creatures bending over a manger. It was full
of hay, and...something tiny and pink. "I know",
said MingSi, "it must be the baby the shepherds and
angels spoke of". There was such a radiance of love
and warmth coming from the three gathered there that
MingSi and his Mother just had to get closer yet. Their
little hearts beat in perfect unison, racing as never

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