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A Meezer's First Christmas

The others that had come were presenting the humans
with very fine gifts. They sparkled and shone. MingSi
wanted to give a gift too, but had nothing. His
Mother didn't know what to do, but they put their
beautiful heads together and thought, and thought, and
thought. MingSi popped up and said, "I know just what
we will give this baby boy. He will grow up and
save the world, (he had heard the angels say that very
thing), and, we can give it right now". He was so
excited that he hopped and jumped and then curled
around his Mother purring loudly.

"We can give Him the colors that God created in us.
The deep blue of our eyes will always be a reminder of
the peace and joy that He brings. The buff color of
our fur will be a reminder of the warmth and protection
of His arms as He embraces all mankind. The dark brown
of our coat will be a reminder always that He came to
earth, to a lowly stable, and lived a life in a human
body so that He could identify with us. Now, when
humans look at us and see our beautiful colors, they
will be reminded of this special birth and this special
One who came for all." For all time to come too.

MingSi's Mother folded him in to her warm side and
told him that she throught that was the most beautiful
and wonderful gift of all. She washed his little face
with her rough tongue and fed him as they curled up
under the manger and felt the tender touch of the
human's hands upon their heads.

TinYan and SuChi, our beautiful Siamese furr-babies,
without whom this story would not have been born.
Also a special thanks to 'Toria for her ability to
capture the spirit of the Meezer with her brush and



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