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~*Kaytea's SiLvErChAiR Trades*~

Due to the recent death of my main page for this site, it's going to be shitty for a while. I don't have much time during school to make it back up and pretty and since my webbies at home don't work, It is going to take a while. But the subpages still work so you can still see what I have....They will be updated VERY soon. I've only had time to add a few of the many new things I've recieved lately...So keep checking back!



~*RuLeS FoR TRaDiNG*~
~*CoMiNG SooN*~
~*I WaNt YoUrS!*~
~*OrDeR FoRm FoR TrAdEs -- OpTiOnAL*~