-Hollywood Paladium 2/4/96 ~ (power goes out twice)
-Cambridge Hotel '95 ~ Melbourne Australia ~ (Really old from waaay back in the day. Brings back memories and it's near their home. Nice quality and Daniel plays the drums with Ben at the end! It's cute!)
-Santa Monica Pier '95 ~ (Daniel gets hit with a bottle. From a long time ago, more memories!)
..::SiLvErChAiR LiNkS::..
..::SiLvErChAiR ViDeO::..
..::SiLvErChAiR MuSiC ViDeO'S::..
..::SiLvErChAiR On ThE TeLe::..
..::SiLvErChAiR AuDiO::..
**RuLeS FoR TraDiNg**
~*MaiN SiLvErChAiR PaGe*~