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..::SiLvErChAiR ViDeO'S::..

SiLvErChAiR ViDeO SeCtIoN!

Welcome, Here is the place to get silverchair on VIDEO! Whoohoo!!! WARNING: TWO minor problems...I have 2 working VCR's but my parents HARDLY EVER let me use theirs AND most my video's are at my friend Nicole's house getting stuff added to them! *YaY* But that also sucks because I don't have them to write down what's on them to put up on my page to get more trades to enhance my silver-collection even more! SOOOOOOO, about the VCR's sucking, VIDEO TRADES HAVE TO BE WELL WORTH IT for me to steal it while my parents are at work and somehow figure out how to hook them up *I am VCR illiterate!*. I DON'T TO VIDEO TRADES OFTEN! I WILL give you 2 audios for you sending me 1 video though. But it's rare I send out video's unless it's a really nice deal. Get it? If not e-mail me and I'll explain simpler. Until then, I've listed the few things I've got in my reach of SiLvErChAiR stuff on video so look through and let me know if you want anything!

..::SiLvErChAiR MuSiC ViDeO'S::..
..::SiLvErChAiR oN ThE TeLe::..
..::SiLvErChAiR ViDeO BoOtLeGs:
..::SiLvErChAiR AuDiO'S::..
**RuLeS FoR TraDiNg**
~*MaiN SiLvErChAiR PaGe*~
