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Skidogg's WWF Home Page

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I got FRONT ROW tickets to SummerSlam

My other WWF pages

Sable pics

Sunny pics

Jenna Jameson pics

Wrestlers pics

WWF Music Themes

WWF Movie Clips

WWF animated images

WWF Title History

World Heavyweight Championship

Intercontinental Championship

Tag Team Championship

European Championship

Light Heavyweight Championship

My Favorite Quotes

Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass

Click on the top 50 wrestling sites and vote for mine


Undertaker will win the World Title at Breakdown

The 4 Horsemen may come to the WWF lead by Arn Anderson, along with Bob Holly, Vader, and Jim Powers

Psycho Sid was at the WWF Headquarters and he may be back in the ring soon

Other WWF links

WWF recent pictures

WWF recent movie clips

Results from last weeks RAW, and Previews of this weeks Livewire, Superstars, and this weeks RAW

Fantasy Wrestling

- Skidogg's Women Poll -
What's your favorite woman in the WWF?

Jenna Jameson

Current Results
- Favorite WWF wrestler poll -
Who's your favorite wrestler?

Steve Austin
Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Ken Shamrock
Rocky Maivia

Current Results
- Favorite WWF Finishing Move? -
What's your favorite WWF finishing move?

Sweet Chin Music
Ankle Submission
Dooms Day Device

Current Results

Austin 3:16

Miss Slammy competition movie clips Marlena Sable Sunny

Sunny's official Web Site and other good web sites of her Sunny's Official Home Page

Sable's official Web Site Sable's Official Home Page

Austin quotes Austin 1 Austin 2 Austin 3 Austin 4 Austin 5 Austin 6 Austin 7 Austin 8 Austin 9 Austin 10 Austin 11 Austin 12 Austin 13 Austin 14 Austin 15 Austin 16

The current WWF title holders

WWF World Heavyweight Champion "Steve Austin"

WWF Intercontinental Champion "Godfather"

WWF Tag Team Champions "Kane & X Pac"

WWF European Champion "Shane McMahon retired it"

WWF Hardcore Champion "Al Snow"

WWF Light Heavyweight Champion "Dwayne Gill"

WWF Women's Title "Debra"

Hey do you want good wallpapers well I got full screened ones right here Rocky Maivia Owen Hart DX 3 faces of Mick Foley Undertaker Kane Steve Austin 1 Steve Austin 2 Sable

You may email all of the people listed below

Steve Austin Rocky Maivia X Pac Marc Mero Owen Hart Vader Dustin Runnels Hunter Hearst Helmsley Jerry the King Lawler Mick Foley (Dude Love) Sable Sunny Marlena Vince McMahon Dok Hendrix

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