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Song Title
Session Dates
Additional Comments
"Wind Chimes"
8/3, 10/5, 10/10 1966
Original backing track recorded in August. Re-made as inserts in October.
8/25, 10/6, 12/15 1966
1/9 1967
Original track recorded in August. Remade as "Rock With Me Henry" version at Jan. 9th "insert" session with drums / bass overdubs and different key.
"Heroes & Villains"
5/11, 10/20-27, 12/13, 12/22, 12/27-28, 1966
1/3, 1/5 (Part Two), 1/20, 1/27, 2/7, 2/15, 2/27-28 (Part Two), 3/1-2 (Part Two), 1967
See article here regarding Heroes and Villains Part Two.
"Do You Like Worms"
10/18, 12/21 1966
"Child Is The Father Of The Man"
10/7, 10/12, 12/2, 12/6 1966 Unknown whether lead vocal was completed. Additional sections recorded but not used in final mix.
"Our Prayer"
10/4 1966
Add'l vocals added 11/17/68.
"The Old Master Painter"
11/14, 11/30 1966
So called "false barnyard," which ended up as tag to "H&V - cantina version" recorded at OMP tracking session
"The Elements"
11/28 1966
Date given is for "Fire" recording. Additional sections recorded (or NOT recorded) at unknown dates.
"Cabin Essence"
10/3, 10/11, 12/6, 12/27 1966
"Surf's Up"
11/7-8, 12/5 1966
1/23, 1/25 1967
1/23 and 1/25 recordings unknown
"Vega Tables"
4/5, 4/6, 4/7, 4/10, 4/11, 4/12. 4/13, 4/14 1967
Early "demo" version exists, may date from pre-'67
"I Ran" ("Look")
8/12, 10/13 1966
9/8 1966
The entire "Holidays" track, including the coda (formerly thought to be "Tune X") recorded on 9/8. No additional recordings reported.
"I'm In Great Shape"
10/17 1966
Vocal recording only, and has remained unheard. Unknown at this time what this consisted of.
"I Wanna Be Around / Friday Night"
11/29 1966
First half of the song is a Johnny Mercer song, a hit for Tony Bennett among others. Second half features "woodshop" sound effects and was connected by bassist Carol Kaye to "Fire."