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check out this way cool SPP pic, courtesy of the webmaster

Hello and welcome to the first SPP fan page! This is the only SPP fan page on the net. Well I guess that I will leave it up to you to find your way around the site, it isn't that hard.


It's been awhile, but I have finally gotten back to the news here on the one and only SPP fan site. To quote Baby D "spp has taken a hiatus for a few months and things might be a little different when they return." So don't expect to hear any info on SPP shows in the near future. On the issue of a CD from SPP, don't hold your's most likely that we won't be seeing a CD until at least next summer. On the brighter side of things, look out for punk rock concerts coming soon, possibly on Dec. 3rd and 17th. Later...

I put in a new image today and oh yeah the show was really cool and all that good stuff.

Judge Judy and the Bucketheads WILL NOT be performing at the show today. Their drummer will still be out of town. Hopefully, more bands will be appearing at the show.
Another quick note...Don't forget to dress up, its a COSTUME PARTY!

Right now, the appearance of Judge Judy and the Bucketheads at the show is up in the air. The drummer has some personal issue and may not be able to make it to the show. Right now is about a 50/50 chance. Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Added a guestbook today...go and sign it!

Well, the Smack have canceled for the show on the 30th and SPP will not have its CD cut by that time either But Wait! The show on the 30th will happen, the lineup now includes Sgt. Parkinson's Platoon, the Recliners, Judge Judy and the Bucketheads! 3 bucks with a costume and 4 without. So bring all your friends.

Added some more pictures and made a links page, so check it out!

S.P.P. is recording their CD Oct. 15-17 and should have it available at the Pre-Halloween show.
The official S.P.P. site is up and running again! Although under heavy consrtuction, you can find the new site here

The band recently played at Oakfest (Sept. 24) and did a fine job. Also, Bigg Brother and Sofa Kingdomplayed.
S.P.P. is currently planning to release a CD, so be on the look out for more info on that note
The next show that is planned is on Halloween (actually Oct. 30) and it should prove to be a great performance.

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