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Snippets and Wisps - Ideas, Opinions and Musings of Steve Will
Thursday, 12 May 2005
Blogging in the Shower
Blogging in the Shower

Blogging in the Shower


Where do you blog? When do you blog? (1)


I was thinking about this the other day. Well, sort of. Here’s the thing:


Most often, I post to my blog during a work day. But really, is that when I write my entry? Honestly, it depends on what you mean by “write.”


For me, most of the effort involved in writing a small essay is getting the idea, exploring several thoughts around the idea, deciding which one or two thoughts are worth expressing, and figuring out how to put those thoughts into words for the effect I want. As it turns out, most of my blog entries are composed in my mind’s “down time.”


As I lie in bed at night, waiting to fall asleep, my mind gets some “down time.” This is when I most frequently get topic ideas. Sometimes, once a topic materializes, I flesh it out right then, but more often my mind just says “yeah, that would be good” and moves on to other things.


Somehow, during the night, as I sleep, my dreams must take hold of it and add shape. I often find that, once the shower water wakes me up, a few thoughts have joined hands around a topic.(2) By the time I’ve dressed and jumped into the car, I know what I want to say, and generally how I’ll say it. So, by the time I actually sit down to put words to virtual paper (after at least one serving of carbonated caffeine), the entry is essentially written.


I wonder – is this how most writers write? And is this how most bloggers blog?



(1) Are we really to a point where “blog” is a verb now?

(2) Thus, the “shower” reference in the title.


Posted by mn/stevewill at 7:55 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 24 May 2005 - 1:33 PM CDT

Name: Mike Hacker

Steve, I do believe that this is how writers write. If you're writing essays, then you're daydreaming, thinking deep thoughts, and picking and choosing ideas, images, examples, etc., and then you put them down in black and white.

Fiction writers do the same thing, only they're visualizing scenes, thinking about how things look, feel, smell, taste, and what their characters want from each other. Then, when it comes time to actually write the scene, you're transcribing it from memory. But the imaginative part has already taken place. Of course, that's what keeps you from having writers block. You imagine the scene before you sit down to the keyboard.

Have you ever seen "The Hours?" Brilliant film. In it, Nicole Kidman as Virginia Woolf is shown "visualizing" while she's walking down the street, in conversation with her good friend played by Miranda Richardson. She seems distracted, maybe even a little crazed. But she's thinking about Mrs. Dalloway.

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