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Snippets and Wisps - Ideas, Opinions and Musings of Steve Will
Friday, 9 June 2006
Now Playing: "Canon in D" by Pachelbel (of course)
Time for some word association -- or "number association" if you will. What do you think of when I say:


I think, these days, may people think of the Keifer Sutherland TV show.

Then there is "hours -- as in 24 hours in a day."

What else?

24 is two dozen. So that is helpful. Two dozen of something is a good amount. And an expensive amount, if you get the right thing. But it could make an impression. I hope it does!

24 karat gold is pure. So 24 can make you think of wealth, or preciousness, or purity.

24 is a cool number in a few ways:

  • 24 = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4, which makes it a pure number (I think "pure" is the right term.....)
  • 24 = 2 * 12 which is cool because
    • 12 is a completeness number, being the number of months in a complete year
    • 2 people living together year-round might be represented by 2 * 12
    • Or two particular people might have been married on the 12th of the month, and if that happened to be the 6th month, then we have another perfect number.
  • 24 happens to be my birthday
  • 24 happens to be Christmas Eve, often a highlight day of the year

What else? 24 inches is two feet. I have two feet. So does Sherry. Does that help?

I've been wracking my brain. Aside from the two dozen things, I can't think of anything affordable that represents 24. Believe me, 24 Karat gold is just not affordable, in any meaningful amount. An ounce is, like, $700 or so.

Now it is critical that you not go talking about this blog entry to Sherry -- at least not until after Monday. But if you want to send me an e-mail with some cool idea, feel free!

Posted by mn/stevewill at 2:35 PM CDT
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