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Snippets and Wisps - Ideas, Opinions and Musings of Steve Will
Wednesday, 4 October 2006
Anarchy? Permissivism? That's NOT what I meant.
The entry below about Right/Wrong - Legal/Illegal might be miscontrued.

I am not promoting anarchy.

Society can only function if we have rules for behavior. This is clear, and a cornerstone of my belief system.

Many of those rules must be codified into laws. I support that.

What I tried to say below was that moving something from the "frowned on by society" consequence to the "made to pay recompense, financially or with a loss of freedom" consequence needs to be carefully thought through. If I can be kicked out of school, or charged with impinging on someone's rights, for saying "X" -- well, I think "X" needs to be pretty darn bad, and pretty clearly bad. If it's merely insensitive, then people should be educated as to why it is, and how they might say it in a more sensitive way.

Similarly, if I do "Y" in the privacy of my own home, and it can lead to my incarceration, there should be a very good reason why "Y" is bad for me to do. There are plenty of things that justify being punished and jailed. Lots of bad "Y." But don't you think, given our society's history, we've been too quick to put something in this category? And then, once we've done so, we justify its continuing to remain illegal by saying "Clearly, it's Wrong -- it's illegal!" That, my friends, is truly begging the question!

(I should do a whole series of posts on words and phrases that are losing their meaning because of mis-use. "Beg the question" is on the top of the list.)

Posted by mn/stevewill at 1:05 PM CDT
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