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Snippets and Wisps - Ideas, Opinions and Musings of Steve Will
Thursday, 7 December 2006
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So, Mike blogged today for the first time in a month. And he had something to say! Huzzah!

And me?

My last entry was less than a month ago, but it doesn't really count.

It would count if it were one of many in that month -- Lucas sometimes has very short entries, but he blogs quite regularly.

I think I've touched on the topic of "Why do we blog?" several times before. It's cool how the people in Lucas's group of friends use blogging to stay in touch. They have grown up using Instant Messaging and e-mail. For many of them blogging is a type of continuous monologue which allows their friends to know more about them than my generation typically shared.

But while I think this sort of blogging is pretty widespread, I don't think any of my other kids do it. (Or maybe they just haven't told me about it....?)

Meanwhile, Mike uses it as an outlet for opinions about events in the news. This is very different from what Lucas does, but it seems to be quite popular as a motivation, as well.

Me? What do I use it for?

Sometimes, I just like to write. There are times when something touches my soul and I just have to express it. Blogging is good for that.

But when it comes to sharing day-to-day issues, I guess I just rely on conversing with Sherry and sending e-mail to the select few. I wonder if I would see a benefit from doing what Lucas does?

To do what Mike does would require me to pay more attention to the news than I do.

Maybe my new Tuesday routine (which is supposed to include READING in the new sunroom) should also include blogging. Hey, the wireless signal is stronger in there than it is in my La-Z-Boy in the living room.

Posted by mn/stevewill at 10:30 AM CST
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