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Snippets and Wisps - Ideas, Opinions and Musings of Steve Will
Friday, 8 December 2006

Steve?s Top 10 TV Series of all Time - Part 1

Now Playing: Various Christmas Music
Topic: TV

What makes a TV series a candidate for this list? First of all, it’s “Steve’s” – it’s mine. So clearly, the series has to have these attributes:

  1. I saw it.
  2. I enjoyed it, a lot.
  3. I remember it (especially while I’m creating the list.

Point 1 means I won’t be considering some shows that many people would put on the list. The Sopranos may top some lists, but I didn’t see it. Same goes for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Seinfeld gets excluded for a similar reason. I’ve seen some of it, but I have not even seen half the episodes, and I rarely watched it during its first run. [After seeing some shows which made my list of series to consider, I will have to reexamine this exclusion.] And, given my age, any series which aired before 1966 or so is not going to get on my list. This leaves out I Love Lucy and The Honeymooners, which is probably too bad. Not to mention Edward R Murrow's news shows.

Point 2 should be obvious, but I felt I needed to state it, for completeness. I’ve seen a bunch of Wheel of Fortune in my time, but have I enjoyed it enough to even consider it? Get real.

Point 3 is my “cover my rear” clause. I am sure to forget some great show. Further, I probably loved a show 20 years ago, but I won’t think of it while I’m writing this.

Beyond those three primary rules, what causes me to consider a show for the list? Well, maybe the thing to do is just generate a list (unordered for now) and then see what happens.

Shows for consideration

Star Trek (the original series) Star Trek: the Next Generation Battlestar Galactica - the recent SciFi Channel show Stargate: SG1
Hill Street Blues - In case you thought I only consider SciFi M*A*S*H - Yes, I consider comedies, too. Babylon 5 ER
Lost Heroes Nowhere Man One season only. What a shame. Quantum Leap I include it, but...
The Cosby Show Newhart - though it's tough to decide between this and The Bob Newhart Show and maybe they should just both be on the list. The Carol Burnett Show Scrubs - with caveats. I'm breaking my own rules by listing it. But they are MY rules.
Frasier - though I must admit I haven't seen them all, either. St. Elsewhere - Does anyone remember when Denzel Washington was a fresh face? Or when David Morse was the sensitive and victimized doctor? Or Howie Mandel - with hair - in a semi-serious role? Family Ties - has to be in the discussion. Alex P. Keaton for goodness sake. And talk about a mom who's "got it goin' on" - Meredeth Baxter! All in the Family - Funny and important.
Columbo - Another rule-breaker. It was never, truly, a series. The X-Files - has to be on the list. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - If ST:tNG is on the list, this must be too! Star Trek: Voyager - Can't make Top 10, but ...
Enterprise - Its percent of good episodes is probably higher than ST: Voyager's. Survivor - my favorite "game" show. And it overcame my initial preconceptions. thirtysomething which was un-missable. The Cosby Show
The West Wing Sports Night - short lived but very well written. NYPD Blue 24 Gripping.
Kate & Allie 3rd Rock from the Sun Perfect Strangers - Balki and the "Dance of Joy"! Monty Python's Flying Circus
The A-Team Great? No. Great fun? You bet!

It was enough work to create the table. I think I'll leave the rating for another time. In fact, I will leave some parts of the table blank so I can fill in with shows as they occur to me.


I've made significant additions to this since it was first posted. I may re-post at some point, but for now, it's easier to revise it in place.

Posted by mn/stevewill at 2:04 PM CST
Updated: Friday, 12 January 2007 2:46 PM CST
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Friday, 8 December 2006 - 3:14 PM CST

Name: Steve

I can't see Mike's comment! Arrrgh!

But just to add a note of my own -- please, PLEASE offer suggested additions to my list!

Friday, 8 December 2006 - 6:22 PM CST

Name: Mike
Home Page:

Tarnation! Why didn't my comment show up? At any rate, I was going to say...

You've tried to cover your rear, but I still see a crack--what, no X-Files?

Okay, I guess I gotta "continue" and then read the fine print to finally post....

Friday, 8 December 2006 - 6:23 PM CST

Name: Mike
Home Page:

You *added* the X-Files to the list *after* the first comment, but prior to my posting the comment the second time....

Saturday, 9 December 2006 - 10:04 PM CST

Name: Steve

We must think alike!

I have to make a couple other updates today.

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