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Snippets and Wisps - Ideas, Opinions and Musings of Steve Will
Tuesday, 12 December 2006
Make Room
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Blessings

Those of you who read this blog already know this (1) but we recently completed the addition of a sunroom to our home(2). Here are some stray thoughts, lessons learned, and reactions:

  • I never knew I wanted a sunroom, but now that I have one, I can't imagine not having it. This raises some interesting sub-points:
    • Some people think the same thing about children.(3)
    • I wonder if there are more things like this in my life. If so, I want to get them sooner, so I appreciate them longer.
    • How can something move from "not even on my wish list" to "can't live without it" so quickly?
  • I spent 9 hours in there on Friday. When it's sunny, it's beautiful. When the sun is setting, it's enchanting. When the sun has set, it's warm and comfortable.
  • We made exactly the right decision by not putting a television in it.
  • When Sherry picks colors, I know enough not to doubt her. I simply can't do the "visualizing" thing the way she can. Come see the room and you'll see what I mean.
  • Kudos to Leah and Sarah for being able to do the same thing Sherry can.
  • Music is more than twice as good when it's surrounding you.
  • We did not have the trouble with our contractor that seems to plague the remodeling industry. Was it done exactly when he said it would be? No. But it was close, and he was pleasant to work with.
  • Why would I ever think a sunroom should not have a fireplace?
  • Yes, I like the deck, the garage, and the driveway. I even like the roof (it's much, much better than what we had), but the centerpiece of the remodel is the sunroom.
  • Before the furniture was delivered, the room was perfect. Now that the furniture is here, it's even better. How is that possible?
  • I hope I can follow through on my plan to spend time in this room on a regular basis, reading.
  • In the grand scheme of things, does it matter as much as my friends and my kids and my wife. Of course not. But since I have all of those things, this sunroom is a great addition to my life (as well as to my house!)

I hope everyone who visits us gets to enjoy this new room at some point.

(1)I think Lucas and Mike may be the only people who do. If you are not one of these two fine and discerning people, and would like to be included in such illustrious company, send me an e-mail .
(2)To see some before/after pictures, see this link.
(3) Are you listening, Adam? (That was teasing!)

Posted by mn/stevewill at 2:46 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 12 December 2006 2:59 PM CST
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