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Snippets and Wisps - Ideas, Opinions and Musings of Steve Will
Tuesday, 20 July 2004
I? A Vulture?
Face The Music is closing.

The end is getting very close indeed.

Today, I bought some supplies at 60%, even 65% off.

I am tempted to buy some of their D&D miniatures at 80% off. Will I ever paint miniatures again?

Who cares, at 80% off?

And Unlimited Star Wars packs at something like 50-cents! I haven't bought them yet. But won't I regret it someday if I don't?

But they still have Mercadian Masques selling for about $3.00 after discount. Still too much. Same for Homelands.

But there is something satisfying about picking at the dying bones of this store. For though it was done in more by music piracy than anything else, it could have survived if it had invested time into its gaming side, I think.

Well, its loss is Jimmy Jam's gain. And mine. And the other vultures.

Posted by mn/stevewill at 1:03 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 20 July 2004 - 4:15 PM CDT

Name: Michael

Such is the way of the world. One man's dross is another's gold. There's nothing wrong with being a vulture--the literal ones are indispensable to the food chain and the environment. I'm sure that's true for economics, as well. An effective business plan might have shown Face the Music it was headed down the wrong path. They obviously didn't have one. Opening your doors and hoping for the best isn't enough in today's economic environment. And, although music piracy might be blamed--the recording industry has had solutions to that problem for years--but they've ignored them. Why are CDs so expensive (compared to DVDs, for example?) It's price fixing. They're still doing it. Get the Star Wars cards while the getting is good, and mourn not the foolishness of muddle-headed men. :)

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