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Snippets and Wisps - Ideas, Opinions and Musings of Steve Will
Friday, 18 February 2005
Killed a Dragon
No really, I did.

Well, we did.

For several years I've been playing D&D with some buddies. We play once a month, taking some months off because life gets in the way. Anyway, we are now 9th level and last night, for the first time, we took on a dragon. It's something you strive for, as a hero in the D&D world. It was a Green Dragon, and quite big, and very tricky, but we were prepared and we beat it!


The fact is that all my character ever contributed was to summon a celestial pegasus, which our paladin then rode into battle. So, I helped make the battle more visually stunning, but I wasn't particularly effective.

Then again, my character is Lyric, the Sprite. He's 16 inches tall, dresses in grass-green and marigold-yellow, is an expert chef, and flits about on gossamer wings. So really, would you expect him to be in the thick of a battle? Not really.

Posted by mn/stevewill at 10:20 AM CST
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Friday, 18 February 2005 - 2:04 PM CST

Name: Lucas
Home Page:

Well I know that if I were a Grass-green and marigold-yellow sprite what I would have done would have been far closer to the thick of the battle, because I'm pretty sure that A sprite could easily sneak inside the mouth of a dragon that is the same color as it, because the dragon would just think that it's face was moving a little bit. Then once inside the chef in you would know how to take care of the rest. Of course, that's kind of on the opposite end of the 'visually stunning' spectrum.

But seriously, congratumalataions.

Huzzah indeed!

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