This is our naughty little girl, Natasha. Two years ago in December I decided
that what I wanted for my birthday was to get my honey a 'real dog'. He had
grown up around german sheppards and dobermans and the Bean was beyond his
experience. He missed having what he called a real dog. So I took off to the
local Humane Society. There was a litter of sheppard/husky mix puppies that
had been left in an alley. Out of a litter of five there were four when I got
there and within 10 minutes it was down to two. One was calm and sweet and the
most lovable little darling. The other wanted nothing but to play. It jumped
around and frolicked and nipped and yapped. Too cute for words! Being the
sensible, practical person that I am, I decided that the quiet one would be
the best bet so I picked her up and brought her home. For the first couple
days she was so very sweet. She was about an inch shorter than Beaner
was fully grown and it was fun to watch them get to know eachother. But
within a week, Natasha was now the same size as Beaner and getting more
energetic with each passing hour. She refused to be house trained and started
chewing on everything. This pup is truly blessed because I have seen her
consume paper towels, whole pieces of chicken, markers, pencils, plastic bowls,
half of one of my shoes, a pair of my glasses, a reclining chair, numerous
stuffed animals, a barbie doll (maybe two, we're not sure), tinfoil, a
bug bite stick...The list could continue but I think you get the picture.
She eats anything that is not nailed down and cast in iron. I thought that
she would grow out of this, that it was a stage that she was going through.
Boy was I wrong. I am not sure how she has managed to not eat anything that
has been fatal yet but I pray that God keeps a close eye on her. She is
wonderfully loyal to the entire family and is very good with our little Mary.
After putting up with her for all this time I have gotten quite attached
and I am glad that I never threw my hands in the air.
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