TalkingTorah - Links
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Jewish Community Online
Your Jewish Place in Cyberspace. Read the Torah online. We have rabbis who will personally answer your questions about Judaism, and many other interactive features.

The Holy Scriptures — The Tanakh
The complete text to the Five Books of Moses -- the Torah, the Writings and the Prophets.

Adobe Hebrew Software
Extensive website for Hebrew software, including Adobe Hebrew software and fonts. This includes Adobe Hebrew PageMaker, PhotoShop and Acrobat.

Jewish and Hebrew discussion groups
A major resource, listing a large collection of moderated Jewish and Hebrew discussion groups on a wide range of professional topics.

Christians and Jews for the Teaching of Esteem - CJE
Since Council Vatican II (Nostra Aetate § 4) Church has changed its mind and attitude towards Jews. But does it mean that Christian mentalities have changed in the same way? Christian anti-Jewish stereotypes are still widespread and theological views on Judaism are far from being satisfactory. Our site provides materials (articles, papers, extracts of books, Christian official statements and Jewish reactions,etc.) for deeper and further reflexion and insight on these matters.

Jewish Children's Bookstore
Jewish Children's Bookstore is open 24 hours. These wonderful books were highly recommended by the Jewish Council of Books for the Jewish Book Month. These books are discounted through this site and will be shipped anywhere in the world. Andrea's Art Classes is an associate of

Maven, The Virtual Know-It-All
Your personal guide to thousands of Jewish/Israel links.

Jews for Judaism
Jews for Judaism is the only full-time counter-missionary, educational, outreach and counseling network spanning North America and beyond. It is dedicated to countering the multi-million dollar efforts of deceptive missionary and cult groups that target the Jewish community for conversion, and to winning back those Jews who have been influenced by missionaries.

Lights In Action
The Ultimate Resource for Jewish College Students

Rabbi Shefa Gold
Rabbi Shefa Gold is a reconstructionist rabbi who and an internationally known teacher in the Jewish Renewal Movement.

A Jewish news and discussion website, called Babel.
Its not a chatroom, list serve or online magazine, but a place where users post and comment upon the news that's interesting and important to them.

The New Jewish Gazette

The Czech Torah Network
The Czech Torah Network is an educational organization formed to link synagogues and religious institutions that have Czech Torah Scrolls. During the past 35 years, over 1,500 Czech Torahs have been rescued and distributed by The Czech Memorial Scrolls Centre of London, England. They are now on permanent loan throughout the world.

Tsuguya Sasaki's Cyberia
Resources on Hebrew and Jewish languages

Israel National Anthem
Israel National Anthem and flag

Jewish Defense League - Western Region
The Jewish Defense League, actively confronting and fighting the forces of Anti-Semitism, racial hatred and bigotry, whenever and wherever necessary. New and timely information of anti-Semetic, white supremacist, and racial terrorisim, in the United States and worldwide. Intelligence information about these groups and their members posted on the web site and updated frequently. Many links to other resources, and items of importance and interest to Jews everywhere.

uJewish--The Online Jewish Community
uJewish--The Online Jewish Community. This website is aimed for adults, teens and kids at large. We have a special corner for every Jew . We offer (and will offer some more as time goes by) fresh and exciting content that matter to you. Health, religion, fashion and food will be addressed from a religious perspective as well as secular. This is a chance for you to interact with other people you otherwise won't have the chance to. Try our virtual Shadchan, or offer your child a pen pal from another continent. Exchange Jewish recipes and traditions all in the atmosphere of a Jewish homey lifestyle. Enjoy the content that we have so far, and come back for more. All this, and much more, at !!!

The Frum-Zine
Announcing The Frum-Zine! A NEW FREE E-Zine featuring: Divrei Torah, Jewish fiction,jokes, kosher recipes,news,and more. Join today!

Latet- Helping Israeli Soldiers
We give gift baskets to Israeli soldiers who are located throughout Israel.

Benjamin Cohen
At you will find descriptions of the laws pertaining to the production of Sifrei Torah,Tefillin, Mezuzot, Megillot & Ketuboth and the parchment (klaf) on which they are written. I hope you find this information useful and enlightening.

Zydzi w Czestochowie
History of Jewish in Czestochowa, Poland Category: History, Eastern Europe

Jewish cemeteries in Hungary
Cemetery survey of jewish sites in Hungary. Photos and transcriptions of gravemarkers. Ownership database. Addresses of contact persons, and local interests. Updated daily.

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