TalkingTorah Study Guide Vayakhel Pekude 99
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Study Guide

Parashat Vayakhel-Pekude

Exodus 35:1 - 40:38

Portion Outline

  1. The commandment concerning the Sabbath is recounted.
  2. How to collect donations for the building of the sanctuary.
  3. The selection of the head builders.
  4. Making the priestly garments.
  5. How records of the building materials and supplies are to be kept.
  6. Dedicating the sanctuary.

Main Concept - The Sanctuary

The sanctuary was an important symbol for the people. It represented:

Standardization of of religious practice

Symbol of common purpose and common ownership of the cult A nation building experience:

Questions to Discuss

The passage concerning the Sabbath is placed as an opening for this portion. Does it seem out of place here? Why?

Why was it placed here?

Compare the following:
Genesis 2:1, Exodus 20:8-9, Exodus 35:1-3, Deut 5:12-16

Some commentators say that we are not to be adding to, or taking from, the world on the Sabbath. Does this have anything to do with the placement of the Sabbath passage at the start of this portion?

At the dedication, the presence of God fills the sanctuary so that no one can come into it. Why can they not see the face of God?

For More Advanced Discussion and Comment

One of our modern commentators states that the significance of the presence of God coming to the sanctuary, is really the start of an I-Thou relationship between God and the people.

(Read about the concept of the I-Thou relationship in the book, I-Thou, by Maritn Buber.)

Copyright c1999 by John Moores, Jr.