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Leviticus 25:1 - 26:2; Numbers 28:26 - 31
Haftarah: Jeremiah 32:6 - 27

15 Iyyar, 5760
20 May, 2000

The Sanctity of Freedom

The sanctity of both land and persons was affirmed in the laws of release. For in releasing the land and persons according to a calendar cycle, Israel recognized that both belonged to G-d. In the finest sense, both the earth and persons were holy in that they belonged to G-d. Man was a steward of the land, and within the cultural patterns of the ancient world he was also a steward of persons. Through their relationship to the land and to other persons, Israel affirmed their dedication to G-d. For modern persons living in an era when the earth is ravished without regard to such stewardship, Israel's ancient understanding of the sanctity of the land is an appropriate foundation block for a theology of ecology. The same is true of persons, if all persons belong to G-d, and if we acknowledge this in our relationships with them as Israel did int he laws of freedom, then there emerges a foundation stone for as theology of interpersonal relationships as well as corporate concern for persons of need.

Inherent in the laws in this Torah portion, is the thesis that man is the steward of creation. Nothing belongs to him in the ultimate sense, everything belongs to G-d. This operative principle was intended to transform attitudes toward land and persons. Freedom was sacred and holy because of its relationship to G-d. All of creation is G-d's and to set creation free is to acknowledge that sanctity. So G-d's continuing call is: "Free the land, free the poor, free all who are encumbered". Freedom acknowledges that all creation is sacred, belonging not to persons but to G-d.

The darkest time of your life may just be the blackness before the early dawn."The kindness of the L-rd has no end, His mercies are not spent. They are renewed every morning - Ample is Your grace!

'The L-rd is my portion', I say with full heart; therefore will I hope in Him.
Kethuvim Lamentations 3:22-24 (JPS)

Shalom U'Vracha,
Thomas and Greta

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c2000 TalkingTorah and Thomas Roper