Exodus 38:21 - 40:38
Haftara: 1 Kings 7:51 - 8:21
04 Adar II, 5760
Focus Passage: Exodus 40: 34-38
The Ongoing Glory
When the Tabernacle was dedicated, the "cloud covered the Tent of Meeting." The symbol of G-d's presence had descended from the mountain and had moved to the Tabernacle. This visible movement served to demonstrate to both Moses and Israel that G-d accepted and approved their labors. The glory of G-d so filled the Tent that no longer could even Moses enter the Most Holy Place.
They broke their camps and made their marches in obedience to the lifting or settling of the cloud. G-d, who had redeemed them and who had called them to Himself, became their constant companion and guide. The final reminder of the fire by night probably referred to the burning presence of G-d's glory.
In the beginning of Exodus, Israel was enslaved in Egypt and the vast majority of the people did not know that G-d was either near or aware of them. In the end of the book, they were free, redeemed people, on the way to the Land Of Promise, accompanied and guided by the Almighty G-d Himself. So it has ever been. Those who are redeemed by G-d through the Torah, are guided and sustained through the Wilderness as they journey to the new Land Of Promise. G-d always leads those who follow His Torah.
Shalom U'Bracha,(peace and blessings),
Thomas and Greta