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Here is the recipe to bake Oreo Cookie Brownies!

Baking with Tara TIPS ON MAKING OREO COOKIE BROWNIES 1. Do NOT eat the chocolate it doesn't have any sugar and is very nasty! 2. USE a microwave safe bowl to melt the chocolate and butter. 3. CAUTION after melting chocolate, chocolate is very hot and stings if splashed on you! A PREVIOUS COOKING ACCIDENT Me and my friends Monica and Sara were having a birthday party for Tara. We decided to make oreo cookie brownies instead of having a cake. First I tried eating some chocolate, BIG mistake. Wow! was it nasty! Then we melted the chocolate in an unmicrowave safe bowl and it started craking in the microwave. Sara was holding it with a cooking mit on and dropped it. The bowl broke and hot chocolate splashed all over our legs. That stung! Then we tried smushing the oreos in a ziplock bag so all the cream and stuff was stuck to the bag. Then we but it in the oven, we forgot the flour! We had to take it out and stir in the flour. Now it is time to eat! We started eating our brownies they tasted ok, actually they tasted pretty good until I bit something hard. There were little pieces of the bowl that broke in our brownies! So the brownies weren't such a hit, maybe we will try again next year!