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Tara Fan of the Month!

Fans of the Month for May are...

I need your essays to be the June fan of the Month!

Sara's Essay...

Ever since I can remember, I have always loved to watch figure skating. I love the jumps, the music, and the excitement. I never really had a favorite skater. Well, that changed when my friends became obsessed with Tara Lipinski. They were always talking about her and the last competition she was in. I really had no choice. I had to like Tara. I started watching all of her programs and interviews and tried to learn more about her. The more I learned about her, the more I liked her. She is a good role model for everyone. When I think about it, the reason I like Tara Lipinski is because she represents everything I love about skating.

Emilie's Essay...

When it comes to skating, nobody, absolutely nobody can outshine Tara. Her jumps are magnificent...she spins so fast in the air! I mean, she was the first person, man or woman, to land a triple loop-triple loop. And her spins are always in perfect form and even speedier! Also, she barely ever travels. Yet the real secret to her skating is not any of the talent she has. When she steps out onto the ice, whether it be at practice or at a competition, Tara has a big smile on her face. She loves to skate, and it comes through when you see her skating. There is pure joy coming out of her, and that is why she is such a good skater. Her artistic impression is perfect. But if Tara wasn't a skater, I would still be a fan. She's not like some people, who are all smiles on camera and then become jerks. Around her fans, Tara is all caring and loving and giving. She never, ever turns down an autograph request. Since she is such a kind person, I don't know why ANYBODY doesn't like her! With all these things going for her, it is easy to see why I am a fan of Tara Lipinski.=) ~*Emilie*~
