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Recent News

Tara will be staring in a movie called Vanilla Sky that will be released in October. The movie was filmed during November and December in New York City. Tara's roll in the movie small. She is in a party scene, making small talk with Cameron Diaz. Tara, who's 5'1", had to stand on a box so she would be on the same level as 5'9" Cameron Diaz.

Tara's Q&A has been updated again. You can read it by clicking here.

Tara is going to be in a McDonalds commercial that I believe starts September 4th. The commercial will show different athletes smiling.

Tara will be competing in Grand Slam again, which is held in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Tara's diary has been updated. You can click here to see it. Tara talks about her vacation in South Carolina.

Tara's Question and Answer has been updated, you can click here to check it out!

Tara is in the September issues of Blades on Ice and Teen Hairstyles.

Tara's new official website is now up you can click here to see it.

Tara's New Official Webpage will be done soon. If you would like to see how it looks you can go to and the click on Olympics, and then Tara Lipinski.

Tara is in the September issue of Teen magazine. There is a picture of here from her graduation and an arctical about it.