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Quotes from the Olympics

"I had that feeling of just pure joy and I went out there and put it in my program." -Tara after upsetting Michelle Kwan to became the youngest gold medalist in the history of women's Olympic singles
"Yeah I did, I do feel the pressure, I felt it before I step out on the the ice" -Tara
"I said I don't want to get off this ice disappointed I said I'm going to fight everything out no matter what" -Tara
"Last night I wanted to win but I didn't want to win so badly that it messed up my performance." - Tara after her long
"I tried to do it for the love of skating" - Tara on her long
"I was so happy standing there" - Tara on the medal ceremony
"... but a little sad knowing I was ging to have to get off eventually" - Tara on the medal ceremony
"It just felt so good and so perfect" - Tara on her long program
"That was so cool" - Tara in the kiss and cry after her long
"I felt that was one of my best programs ever" - Tara after her olympic short program
I can't even image what it like and right now I'm like in shock, I can't believe I'm Olympic Champion - Tara on winning the gold
"I just forgot about everything" - Tara talking about what she felt during her long
"I'll never forget it" - Tara talking about her long program at the Olympics
"It was just such relief" - Tara on finishing her long
"It was like the best moment" - Tara while watching a reply of her landing her triple flip
"It felt so perfect" - Tara on the medal ceremony
Quotes From Tara

"Deep down you still want to be the best, you still want to go out there, you still want to try and win" - Tara talking about the difference between pro and amateur competitions
"I can't imagine not doing it," Tara says. "I still keep up all my triples and try them every day. I'm working so hard on the ice. I know it's important, for me as well as for the sport. I can't just stop and just do a triple toe and nothing else. If I want to try the triple lutz-triple loop combination, I can and I will."
"I really don't know the answer" - Tara on her victories in 1997
"All I can say is that I kept practicing." - Tara on her victories in 1997
"My mom doesn't push me. My coach doesn't push me" - Tara on who pushes her to skate
"It's my thing.... It's my skating and I just want you to know that I love it" - Tara on who pushes her to skate
"This is the best I can be" - Tara
"I sort of identify with Anastasia, ow she looks back in to her past to her home life." - Tara on why she picked music from Anastasia
"No orange" - Tara quick, first, and fast rule about her skating dresses
"No sleeveless dresses, no puffy sleeve, no dangles and not too many sparkles" - Tara's other rules on skating dresses
"I'm not the glitter queen" - Tara on not having to many sparkles on her skating dresses
"I don't have to be perfect, but I need to be comfortable. Practicing is hard, but there's a sense of accomplishing something, something I'm good at. Every day I try a little harder; that's what i try to express through my program. But skating is definitely more fun than hard work." - Tara
Quotes About Tara

"The love of the sport, that really comes through. Tara doesn't look like anyone is making her do it. It's coming from within. And that's important" - Christy Ness on Tara
"She's so focussed to skate. Her attitude is always 'If that's what I have to do to be that best, that's what I'll do.' Tara won't leave the ice until she feels complete" - Erin Elbe on Tara
"That's just the kind of person she is, the kind of skater she is: to come back twice as strong after something goes wrong. if she misses something, she goes back and does it over and over and over. She knows you have to fight for everything you get in this sport" - Todd Eldredge
"She works harder than anyone I know" - Todd Eldredge
When she puts the skates on, she's the best in the world. When she takes the skates off, she's just our Tara." -"Uncle" Phil Callahan
"She loves to come from behind" - Richard Callaghan on Tara's place after the short
"Tara didn't just win the medal, she ripped it away" - Journalists on Tara's free skate
"I wanted to capture her love of skating and her very, very pure Olympic ideal" - Sandra Bezic on the idea for Tara's long