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As you can see my website is never updated anymore. I have absolutely no time to update anything anymore. My website will continue to stay open for references or whatever, even though the facts and everything are old now. If there is ever anything you need you can still E-mail Me.


I deleted the Advanced Trivia and Who am I contests, I don't really have time to update them every week. But the trivia will remain up. I got a handwritten thank you letter from Tara! You can see the pictures here. I also have a few scans up from my SOI show, you can see them here.


Sorry, I didn't get a chance to update around Thanksgiving and I don't know if I will get a chance to update during Christmas Break, but I will try. My site will remain open as I said before but I probably won't be able to update often. Merry Christmas everyone! And have fun at Stars on Ice!


Ok, I need to type this as fast as I can because I have to go study for finals! So, now that tennis is over I have a little more time, but there is basketball too. It is not that I dont like Tara anymore, I still love Tara just as much as before! But for a few more weeks I am just going to leave the site open as a reference or whatever. I am not going to shut it down but I wil try to update as often as possible, but may not be too ofter anymore. So as for now Tara Lipinski: And the Dream she Fulfilled will be on a temporary hold til I get time. So that is all for now finals are tomorrow! Wish me luck! I will try my hardest to get this site back going around Thanksgiving break!