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Skating with Tara

Learn some new skating tips from Tara in the January 2000 issue of Teen Magaine.

Olympic Gold medalist Tara Lipinski tells you how to spaz-proof yourself at the rink.
Take time to tie:
Loose laces equal floppy ankles. Tight laces equal mucho pain. Make skates comfortably-snug and you will be safe.
Walk before you glide:
If you're a first-timer, walk on the ice to get a feel for things. Bend your knees slightly, hold on to the side-board with one hand and hold your free arm out- almost level with your shoulder-for balance.
Try Airplane Arms:
When your ready break free form the boards and skate with both arms out to your side for balance ( hands almost level with your shoulders ).
Taking a Spill?:
Try not to stiffen up ( falling on your butt is the least painful ). To stand up; get on all fours , bring a knee forward and place both hands on it, then push yourself up with your hands. ( No one even noticed ).

Advice from Tara

Advice for aspiring Olympic skaters:

"If you really love it (skating), to work hard and believe in yourself and never think that it is impossible."

Advice for a child trying to reach their dream:

"Work hard and Always dream! Have fun and never doubt yourself because anything can happen. "