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My Stars on Ice Review Stars on Ice - Minneapolis, Minnesota - February 14th, 2001

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Well it was a great show, only a few falls, I think that the ice was kind of bad, but I don't know. Tara did great and seemed to have alot of fun, she didn't seem in pain at all. February 14th is now officially Scott Hamilton Day in Minneapolis! I took a ton of pictures and will post them real soon. After the show we went to the back of the Target Center and saw about 15 people standing outside,so we went over there (not one of the warmest days to stand outside in Minnesota) and we watched them get on the bus through these glass windows and they all waved at us, then the stupid security people or who ever they were kept opening and closing the door, but then the bus finally left and we waved at them through the bus window. So the security inside thought it was funny or something that we were outside and started waving at us but then they closed the door and 2 of them got stuck outside. So it was pretty fun. Then on our way home we were driving next to this bus and we looked over and there they were! So we waved and Steven Cousins waved back and told the others to look outside and they were pointing and laughing and waving at us, I don't think that they see too many people in a car next to them waving at them! So we figured they were going to the airport, but it was already 11:30 so we couldn't go :( But it was still fun! :)

Stars on Ice - Minneapolis, Minnesota - January 27th, 2000

On, January 27th at the Minnesota Target Center I went to Stars On Ice. I sat front row! With a nice Tara Fan right behind me. Behind the curtain I could see skate blades, I was so excitied! They they all started skating on and I saw TARA! I started going hystarical! I took tons of pictures! They were skating SO close! Then Tara did her Balimos and it finally hit me... Tara is skating right in front of me, the real live Tara! Not the one you see on T.V. but Tara was live and right in front of me! I took SO many pictures, mostly of Tara but I saved a few for my other favorite programs. I yelled "GO TARA" so many times, and screamed SO loud at the end of her programs I can bearly talk. Then at the end, because the skaters skated at the Minnesota Target Center, They all put on red outfits over their finale costumes with white bulleyes. Then they did a variation of the opening number to the target song. Then all of a sudden the skaters can off the ice and started shaking peoples hands! I had a rose and a card ready for Tara and so I grabbed it and rand down twords Tara. Mean while I shook and with Ekaterina Gordeava, Elana Betsski and Denis Petroff. Then I saw Tara!! She was holding out her hand and walking along, she came by me and touched my hand!!! I tried to give her my flowers but she had to go do the ending pose, oh well! Then once they left the ice people threw some stuffed animals on the ice. So I figured I have a better chance of Tara getting my flowers if I leave it here so I put it on the ice too. I waited until I got home before I touched anything, then I smired my hand on a piece of paper and framed it!!

New Update!!!

The rose and the card I threw onto the ice DID get to Tara. About a month after I got a package in the mail postmarked Houston, Texas. Tara sent me a signed picture and a book also signed!!!! I could not believe it and I still can't!!