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Teddy's Masonic Album

Some of my masonic activities
after the year I was Worshipful Master.

Instalation of WM Elias Katzman
of La Fraternidad 62, Tel Aviv
I was the Instaling Master.
January 12, 1989.

Besides the weekend in Eilat,
I organized a second weekend in Yaarot HaCarmel (Carmel Woods)
where masonic lectures were delivered
and discussed together
with our ladies withour ever breching our laws and costumes.
This Masonic Weeend was changed later by PM Jose Schloser to "Masonic Atheneum".

To promote Brotherly Love an Fraternity,
Poli and I opened our home and invited socialy
all the Brethren of my Mother Lodge and wives.
We started a tradition that in years later was extended
to Brethren of Lodge Nazareth 71 of Nazareth
with whom a very
fraternal relationship has been achieved.
In the picture Arab and Jewish Brethren in my home.

Releif if a must in my Mother Lodge.
During the mastership of WB Juan Goldwaser
who was bestowed upon him in later years the Masonic Peace Award by
the Grand Lodge and the Supreme Council of Argentina
we sent medical equipment to the Grand Lodge of Peru to help the needed there
answering their help request.
I was than Grand Represntative of the Grand Lodge of the State of Israel
near the Grand Lodge of Peru.
Beeing peruvian born and
citizen, it was for me a great honor.
In the picture, we are with the Consul General of Peru in Israel.

In King Solomon's Quaries at
an intermission during the Mark Degree Ceremony.

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Webmaster:Touvia (Teddy) Goldstein
Updated: February 21, 2005