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Teddy's Masonic Album

My Scotish Rite Career,
under the jurisdiction of the
Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of the State of Israel.

Lodge of Perfection Degrees

It begins with the Fourth Degree, Secret Master,
received in the Perfection Lodge Ramat Gan #9.

Seventh Degree, Provost and Judge,
received at Perfection Lodge Ramat Gan #9
on July 31, 1984.At this same ocasion,
received by Communication:
Fifth Degree, Perfect Master and
Sixth Degree, Intimate Secretary.

The 14th Degree, Grand Elect Master,
received on May 30, 1985 at
Perfection Lodge Ramat Gan #9.
At this same ocasion and by Communication:
Eighth Degree, Intendant of the Building,
Ninth Degree, Elu of the Nine,
Tenth Degree, Elu of the Fifteen,
Eleventh Degree, Elu of the Twelve,
Twelfth Degree, Master Architect and
Thirteenth Degree, Royal Arch of Solomon.

Lodge of Perfection "Union Fraternal #11

On May 11, 1986, the spanish speaking
Perfection Lodge "Union Fraternal #10" was Consacrated
with RWB Leon Zeldis as its first Thrice Potent Master
I affiliated as Founding Member.

Thrice Potent Master

By request of the Sovereign Grand Commander
MIB Joseph E. Salem, I was "loaned" to
Perfection Lodge "Ramt Gan #9" to help revive it
and was Installed as its Thrice Potent Master
for the period 1988-91.I ended my period with success.

Chapter Rose Croix Degrees

In the "Shalom" Chapter Rose Croix Tel Aviv,
on December 23, 1986, I received:
Eighteenth Degree, Knight Rose Croix
and by Communication:
Fiteenth Degree,Knight of the East, of the Sword or of the Eagle
Sixteenth Degree, Prince of Jerusalem and
Seventeenth Degree, Knight of the East and West.

Council Kadosh Degrees

In the "Zohar" Aeropag Tel Aviv,
on February 25, 1988, I received the
Twenifith Degree, Knight of the Brazen Serpent
and by Communication:
Nineteenth Degree, Pontiff,
Twentieth Degree, Master of the Symbolic Lodge,
Twenty-first Degree, Noachite or Prussian Knight,
Twenty-second Degree, Knight Royal Axe, Prince of Libanus,
Twenty-third Degree, Chief of the Tabernacle and
Twenty-fourth Degree, Prince of the Tabernacle.

In the "Zohar" Aeropag Tel Aviv,
on September 28, 1989, I received the
Thirtieth Degree, Knight Kadosh and by Communicatio: Twenty-sixth Degree, Prince of Mercy
Twenty-seventh Degree, Knight Commander of the Temple
Twenty-eighth Degree, Scottish Knight
Twenty-ninth Degree, Knight Kadosh.


In the "Sanhedrin #1" Consistory Tel Aviv,
on December 27, 1990, I received the
Thirty-first Degree, Inspector Inquisitor.

Thirty-second Degree's data to be posted here soon.

Webmaster:Touvia (Teddy) Goldstein
Updated: February 21, 2005