It's about time I got to work on this, isn't it! The observant, thoughtful poetry and rantings are hosted here. I'll be working on this page a lot over the next little while, sorry about its momentary crappiness!
2 lines on croaking
Untitled IV
A poem for 2 subjects
Fixing a Hole
Heh heh it's a rip off of the Beatles song, well, not really...I re-wrote it, y'know...a bit about the social status and organized groups while I was in Middle School...but maybe you'll see it a different way.
Damn these poetry assignments
As we are, we will be
At the time of this poem's writing, I'd say April '99, I was an incredibly happy girl, and this poem conveys a little of that.
Shadow Boxing
This is my favourite poem so far, actually now I'm trying to come up with some music for it...
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