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Once we numbered in the thousands of thousands ... Like grains of sand on a beach......
Some grew up on the stories passed down and around at their father's knee.

Some come seeking a better way of life ...
Some can trace there UNION roots back generations
Some are just starting on the path ...
But when its all said and done ...
When color and race are no longer seen ...

We are all one thing the thing that binds us to the
In the end we are UNION......
Though time of feast or famine,

Good or bad true Union stay's Union.....
When we where indentured we took an oath, to help
and assist all union brothers.

That Oath is what makes us UNION..
Loyalty to one another...
Benevolence to your Brother's and Sister's
Education, our journeymen teaching each and everyone
of us making us better ......
And Fidelity.......

UA Apprentice's we are the Future ... We are the ones that will be running the jobs and the crew's ..

So learn all you can and don't be afraid to ask questions ..
Learn because knowledge is something No one can take from you ......


Keep the Faith ..

And remember we are UNION and are the BEST.....

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