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Ben's Mad House

The M&M's are back!
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  • Jokes of the weeks
  • Toivo and Eino were going hunting. Toivo says, "Eino, lets split up, if you get lost fire three shots into the air." So Eino gets lost. He fires three shots in the air and says,"Gee I hope Toivo sees my arrows."
  • Toivo and Eino go hunting, and Eino shoots Toivo. He takes him into the hospital. Then after surgery, the doctor comes out mad and says," Eino, we could have saved him if you wouldnt have field dressed him first!"
  • Toivo and Eino are hunting, and Toivo goes one way for his deer blind, and Eino goes to his. They have an aggrement that if one shoots a deer, the other will come and help gut it. After a while, Toivo shoots a deer. He expects Eino to come, but he never does. After a while he goes to Eino's blind and sees Eino has sat over a log to releive himself and has fallen asleep. Toivo decides to play a nasty trick and takes the deer guts and puts them near Eino. He then leaves. After a while Eino comes back an says,"Toivo, I pooped out my guts, but thanks to gods help and a big stick, I got them back in!"

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