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Welcome to the Normal Alliance Webring Homepage!

The Normal Alliance was founded by myself and a group of close friends. We had to face it: we were different. We did not follow along with he trends, we did not conform to the ideals placed on us by others, by our peers, by our parents. We were unique. As we were going through that tumultuous period of life known as junior high, we decided that it was time to band together. That is when the term "normal" came about.

What we mean when we say "normal" is just the opposite of what the majority of the rest of the world means. The following is a definition of normalness, written by my good friend Jessica, taken from "The Normal People Anthology":

"Once, normalness ruled the world, but now, normal people have dwindled down to small numbers in certain areas. Most people, rpobably including you, consider themselves normal, or at least with some normal qualities, but chances are, you are not normal! Normal is a state of mind, or in some cases, a lack of one. The normal people are, in fact, the people who you consider majorly wierd, but could still be friends with."

Most people pride themselves on their ability to fit in with others. With Normal people, it is just the opposite. We just like to be ourselves, thats it.

If the above descriptions sound like they fit you, you may be a good candidate to join the Normal Alliance Webring.

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I will then review your site, make sure the above code has been added, and added correctly, and I will then add you to the ring. You should recieve an e-mail when this happens, but if you don't hear anything in a week or so, e-mail me.
