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the following is taken from "Halloween" by Silver Ravenwolf:

Prayer of Offering

This can be done at any time of the year, but is especially powerful during Samhain. You need:

  • 1 white votive candle
  • Offering of your choice
  • picture of your loved one

Light a white votive candle. Lay your offering on your ancestral altar, or next to a picture of your special loved one. Hold your hands together in a prayer position. Say:

From the dawn of your birth
To the sunset of your death
I honor you.
From the missions you completed
To your duties left undone
I honor you.
From the seasons of your being
Through the cycle of your life
I honor you.
From your time beyond the veil
Till your earth entrance back again
May the angels support you
May Spirit surround you
May my healing love reach you
from this moment until the end of time.
So mote it be.

Seven Day Samhain Vigil

You need:

  • 7 candles, style and color of your choice
  • Picture of your loved one(s)
  • 7 sticks of incense
  • Offering of your choice (roses, beads, and so on)

On October 25th (at the time of your choice), light the first candle. You can say a poem, speak aloud to the deceased, sing a song, or read a passage from a book. Light the incense and say:

In your honor.

Allow the candle to burn completely. On the following five days, do the same activity with a fresh candle and incense. On October 31, light the candle and the incense and leave an offering such as rose petals, a string of beads, and so on. On November 2, dispose of the candle ends and offering by burying them on your property.

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