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I went to a party, And remembered what you said. You told me not to drink, Mom So I had a sprite instead. I felt proud of myself, The way you said I would, That I didn't drink and drive, Though some friends said I should. I made a healthy choice, And your advice to me was right, The party finally ended, And the kids drove out of sight. I got into my car, Sure to get home in one piece, I never knew what was coming, Mom Something I expected least. Now I'm lying on the pavement, And I hear the policeman say, The kid that caused this wreck was drunk, Mom, his voice seems far away. My own blood's all around me, As I try hard not to cry. I can hear the paramedic say, This girl is going to die. I'm sure the guy had no idea, While he was flying high, Because he chose to drink and drive, Now I would have to die. So why do people do it, Mom Knowing that it ruins lives? And now the pain is cutting me, Like a hundred stabbing knives. Tell sister not to be afraid, Mom Tell daddy to be brave, And when I go to heaven, Put Daddy's Girl on my grave. Someone should have taught him, That its wrong to drink and drive..


No one ever made me feel I couldn't go on until you came into my life I was joyful but now your in my life and I made so sacrifices and now I feel Worthless No one one ever made me feel empty inside I never knew a guy could drain me like you do you took away my pride and now i feel worthless You use to make me feel like I was the luckiest girl in the world now you make me feel as if I'm not worth the least To make everything simple I feel worthless.

When I met you
When I met you I was scared to talk to you When I talked to you I was scared to kiss you When I kissed you I was scared to hold you When I hold you I was scared to love you Now that I love you I'm scared to loose you

I Love You
If I say I love you, Would you say you love me too? IF I say I miss you, Would you say you miss me too? If we ever got together, Would it be forever? I know that you say you love me, But is it really true? I just want to tell you, That I love you too

The way you make me feel
The way you look, you kiss, you feel, You are so sweet and our love is real. I don't know why you are so sweet, You are the type of guy I wanted to meet. I know I try to make you believe, Believe in our love and believe in me. I hope you know that I am only true to you, I know that you love me, please say you do. I hope you feel this way tell me it is true, Because I already know that I will always love you.

**I Wish You Knew**
I wish you knew the way I felt Everytime I looked at you, I wish you knew my heart would melt When I thought of me and you, I wish you knew the pain you caused When you chose to love someone new, I was about to tell you but I paused When I tried to say, "I LOVE YOU"...

Have you ever
Have you ever loved someone, And known they didn’t love you? Have you ever wanted to cry, And wondered what they'd do? Have you ever looked into their eyes, And known they didn’t care? Have you ever looked into their heart, And wished that you were there? Never fall in love my friend, You'll see it doesn’t pay, It isn't worth the heartache it causes on the way. Again I say don’t fall in love, and all i say is true. You see my friend i ought to know Cause I fell in LOVE with YOU

Awake By: Scot Weaver

bathed in sun light

my skin is warm

look inside me

my heart is cold



my eyes are artifially bright

lips so sweet

that once kissed my own, inseperable

my heart beats for you

i know i cant have you

this tortures me

if we had never met,would i feel this way today?

my heart beats..


Life Time: Scot Weaver

an icepick into my pleasant smile

as my tears of blood fall in puddles

rivers of sadness can not describe how deep

how much time is really left?

its under my control

isn't it

The Past By: Scot Weaver

i look into your eyes,

they tell me nothing

you hide your soul inside

invisable to me i cant figure it out

idont understand you but i try

just push me away

push me down

In My Dreams
There’s something about you something that feels right I think about you all day and dream about you all night I don’t know what it is but you give me butterflies every time you I look at you I get lost in your eyes I wish you knew how I feel but I won’t let my heart speak it’s gets me into trouble and makes me very weak I just want you to know what I feel for you is true I never meet anyone quite as sweet as you I know we can’t be together at least not at this time but I’ll kept you in my heart one day you’ll be mine

Ill wait for you
There’s something about you something that feels right I think about you all day and dream about you all night I don’t know what it is but you give me butterflies every time you I look at you I get lost in your eyes I wish you knew how I feel but I won’t let my heart speak it’s gets me into trouble and makes me very weak I just want you to know what I feel for you is true I never meet anyone quite as sweet as you I know we can’t be together at least not at this time but I’ll kept you in my heart one day you’ll be mine

Love me back
Forever go, or forever stay, Because in my heart you will always lay. All of my pride and joy, Is all for one certain boy. Its the true love we lack, That just wont bring you back. Tomorrows another day, Another day of pain and dismay. You don't understand I love you, And you don't understand my love is true. Please just come and stay with me, And forever our true love will be. Even after your gone, Just like the end of a song, It's you that I will always hear, But this pain I just cant bear. To put an end to this life, All I need is a knife. No matter how hard I tried, I always got the thought of suicide. All I need for you to do, Is love me back, Instead of having love, lack.

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