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Princess Diana

Now that the first anniversay has past. I think that we should let her rest in peace. I am not saying forget her just do like William and Harry would like us to do in the statement to the public. She will never be forgotten and will live on in our hearts forever.

Did you know:

-Di had American ancestry and stronger English roots than Charles

-Famous ancestors: Sir Winston Churchill,Oliver Cromwell,Lawrence of Arabia,George Washingtonton FDR,Jane Austen,Humphrey Bogart

-Diana grew into her roles as fashion icon and jet-set Princess

-"The People's Princess" broke new ground by way of her humanitarian deeds and display's of affection

This is something I wrote: A Princess

Blue eyes, laughter, and a smile that would light up the whole room and all its occupants. Caring and thoughtful everything you would want in a daughter, wife, and mother. The latest styles and fashions all at your fingertips. You do your best in front of millions but still ridiculed by others. But you do have joy in your life you DDG's to bring a smile on your wonderful face. They loved you so much and twice as much when you were gone away. You brought joy to people whom you have never met. You played so many roles in your life and played each of them to the perfect of ease. Though you were tortchered in your own private way. Bad things were thrown your way but you did what anyone would do-you dealt with it and moved on. Then it happened- you fell in love and everyone new it. We were so happy but they didn't let you be. You had the love of your life and your DDG's. We should be greatful that your biggest gift of all was love. Then like the bright flash of a camera you and your love were gone. The sadness that followed was unimagionable. You toched so many lives in you short years. Your DDG's now without your love and joy. They bring emothion to us all everytime your name or something you did is mentioned. Nobody in this world will ever forget you. Gone forever and your not coming back. All so sad and such a looss for us all. You will be remembered and not forgotten. You truly were the People's Princess. Goodbye Sweet Diana.

Diana and her sister

Stop the Harassment! Remember Diana

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