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Well here is some information on the School of Art History with is the school that William will be attending starting Sept 2001.

The School of Art History is a relatively large autonomous unit currently comprising fourteen academic staff under the chairmanship of Professor Peter Humfrey. Presently these are made up of four Professors, two Honorary Professors, one Reader, four Senior Lecturers, and four Lecturers. Go to list of staff

The School has an international reputation for excellence in teaching and research and currently holds a research rating of 4 as a result of the Research Assessment Excercise held in 1996. Teaching and research interests of the School extend from the Mediaeval to the Modern periods, with particular areas of concentration being the art of Renaissance Italy, British architecture, furniture history, photography, and nineteenth and twentieth-century art in Britain, France and Russia.

Teaching and research in the School of Art History are supported by extensive library holdings, a major slide collection and computing facilities. The School also brings visitors to the University and organises occasional conferences. St Andrews and its environs are rich in art and architecture and the superb collections and libraries of Edinburgh and Glasgow are within easy reach.

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