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Zara Phillips

This is a spot where you can find some information on Zara Phillips. She is Prince William cousin and one of his best friends.

Name: Miss Zara Anne Elizabeth Phillips

Birthday: May 15, 1981 at St. Mary's Hospital

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 145-150

Home: Gatscombe Park

School: Gordonstoun

Sports: Gymnastics and equestrian events

Siblings: brother Peter, 21

Parents: Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips

Known Facts: has her tounge pierced, is a well rounded girl, makes Wills feel at ease with the cameras in public, was there for him and Harry when their mother pased away, is always by his side on outings, and at their grandparents wedding aniversary Zara told William gossip about the guests and teased him when he was seated next to a young European princess of noteable beauty.

My opinion: Zara is one great gal that is for sure! So here are some pics of her.

*Wallpaper made by Lina visited her page The Prince Harry Zone

Zara Pictures
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