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this is the walkthrough for the game pokemon for gameboy.
Chatpter1: Pallet town
after you choose your charaters name and your rivals name, dont bother going into Prof.Oaks lab because he isnt there, instead, go to the little patch of grass and an "!" will appear over Ash's head, the the Professor will appear and take you to his lab with gary waiting, then after he tells you to, pick your starting pokemon, here is how to know what Gary is going to pick. if you choose Bulbasaur, he will choose charmander, if you choose charmander, he will choose squirtle, if you choose Squirtle, he will take Bulbasaur. then Ash and Gary will battle.(hope that you pulled that potion out of the computer when you started.) keep on attacking, if you win, your pokemon will start at level6 and youll have 3000 dollars, if not, youll have a Level 5 pokemon and 2255 dollars.
Chapter2: Route 1
after you got your first pokemon and battled Gary, you go on route 1. (this is a good place to train your weak pokemon.) plus talk to the first person you see on the route and he will give you a potion. keep on headong to Viridian city, and soon you are there
chapter3: the package
when you arrive in Viridian city, you imediatly go to the pokemart, there, the shop owner will talk to you and give you the item "Oak's Parcel" you then leave Viridian and go back to Pallet.
Chapter4-1: back to Pallet
when youre back in Pallet town you go to Proffessor oaks lab and give him the package, he will then give you a Pokedex, and then you can go back to Viridian and Buy some Pokeballs to catch Pokemon with.
Chapter4-2: Viridian forest
once you enter Viridian forest you have to walk all the way through it, you will run into pthese pokemon: Weedle, Kakuna, Pikachu, Caterpie, and metapod. this is also a good place to train your pokemon, plus there are about three trainers to battle. on the trainer near the exit, press the A button in front of him to find a potion, once you reach the exit, its off to Peter city!
Chapter5: Pewter city
Pewter city at last!! you can get your first badge here, if you picked Bulbasaur or Squirtle, it shoud be easy, if you picked charmander, I reccomend you train it until it evolves. once you beat Brock you can head on to Mt.Moon.
Chapter6: Mt.Moon
once your in Mt.Moon you can run into these pokemon: Clefairy, Zubat and more. Plus there are a few trainers from Team Rocket, just keep looking for the exit, and try to catch a clefairy. once your out, your onto Cerulian city.
Chapter7: Cerulian city
now that youre in Cerulian maybe you can pick up a badge from Misty. if you picked Bulbasaur the badge is yours easy, if not, i suggest train either charmander(or Charmelion)or Squirtle(or Wartortle) until you think theyre ready, plus, i suggest saving the game before you battle Misty. once you beat her, you can control traded pokemon up to Level 30.

Chapter8:off to see bill
as soon as you beat misty you head north to go to Bill's place. on the bridge youll fond Gary. you will then battle he will start with pidgeotto and thats all i know, i know he has an abra that time so the abra is a good target to work on for your weak pokemon. after you beat Gary the bridge will have 6 other trainers each increasing in diffuculty. the last one begs you to join Team Rocket, you will the fight him. when you beat him, he will give you a nugget. then go on past the bridge to the east. there you will find a path with many more trainers, batlle your way past, when you reach bill's place, it will seem like he isnt there, but whats this? he left a pokemon behind? talk to the pokemon and you will find out that that pokemon is bill, with an experiment he screwed up on. you can fix that by talkng to him, say yes, then talk to the computer then you will fix his problem. he will then give you the "S.S. Ticket". the item you need to get on the S.S.Anne.
Chapter 9: The S.S.Anne
as soon as you get on board, there are lots of trainers. this is a good time to train your weak pokemon. plenty of trainers, but only for a limited time. you should(after you toughen up your pokemon), head to the captain's room. on the way, you'll meet up with Gary. you have to fight him(as usual). here's a hint: he starts off with pidgeotto, level: around the 20's and end with whatever he started with. (evolved form) once you beat him go up (or down) the stairs you tried you tried to get to before you fought Gary. and you will find the captain of the ship. talk to him and he will giev you "HM01" for teaching your pokemon cut. once you get off the ship, it will leave. now go to that one bush you couldnt cut. you can then use cut on it, and it will dissappear!
Chapter 10: Snorlax
once you go down the road, now is your chance for tons of money and exp., because there are a lot of trainers out there. once you got every trainer, look at a rock and press "A", you will find an item.
Chapter 11: The Ghost Town
There's nothing you can do here right now, so go west to Celadon City to batle Erica and get HM02. Once you arive in Celadon, you have 2 options, to do in any order. 1: Go to The "Playground For Adults" and talk to the rocket guarding the poster. (isnt that a strange thing to do?) when you talk to him, you will get in a trainer battle. fighting pokemon will fare well in this battle. When you beat him, go to the poster and press "A", then a secret passage will open 2. Battle Erica in her Gym.
Chapter 12-A: If you chose the Secret Passage
once you open the secret passage, Keep going downstairs then get the key to the elevator. once you get it, go upstairs 2 levels, then go to the elevator. go to the bottom floor. down there, you will see 2 rockets, beat them, then the door will open. inside is Giovanni, the 8th Gym leader. You wont get a badge from him until he is in his gym. Beat him to Get the "Silph Scope".
Chapter 12-B: if you chose the Gym first
Look around Celadon until you see a bush, use cut on it, then go into the building. Bring your best pokemon, and Bug and Fire pokemon are the best for this Gym. once you beat her youll get the rainbow badge.

This will be continued.

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