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Cultural Identity

The black woman acts as the protective gatekeeper for black culture. Black people, as a whole, deserve to have its majority opinions represented by those who speak our name and culture. In addition, it is time for black women to organize to defend our culture.

Black women are not seeking economic progress through confrontation with the black man. Whatever difference's black women have with black men, should be approached within the household, and if not, intra culturally through plans of settlement. Black women, who are in increasing number of head of the household, have expressed desire for the black man to return to their women and children in order to stabilize black families and strengthen black communities.

Lastly, I will sum up my homepage 'essay' by ending with a quote by Brenda Verner: Black Womanism represents the rich heritage of Africana people; it in essence says: "We love men. We love being women. We love children. We love being mothers. We value all human life. We want families and harmonious relationships. We are not at war with our men. Because we know right from wrong, we do not endorse the abandoning of cultural morals and mores as solutions to the economic and social inequities that women suffer. Sensible women can reason with men to end these inequities, while firmly holding on to blessings of femininity, marriage, family, cultural integrity and an upright relationship with God."


The dualist mentality that feminism imposes on the lives of black women

The relationships between black women and feminists

The black woman's right to cultural independence

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