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Brone's Info.

Wrestling Name: Brone

Real Name: Bryan

Age: 18

Grade: 12th

Weight: 220 lbs

Height: around 6'

Former Entry Music: Group-None Song-None

Famous quote: "I eat, therefore I am...fat."

Patented Move: Steamroller

How it's done - Brone literally rolls completely over his opponent's downed body! From head to toe, he crushes his opponent with his weight advantage!

Brone's W.T.W. History: Brone was a wrestler in the W.T.W. until he had a 'fake' match with Shanus. While they were wrestling, Shanus grabbed Brone's ankles, flipped him heals over head while he was on the ground on his back, and Brone's neck got injured. Now he is unable to wrestle, but he is currently W.T.W.'s announcer. And I'll add that he does a great job of announcing!

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