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Marvin's Info.

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Wrestling Name: Marvin

Real Name: Nathan

Age: 17

Grade: 12th

Weight: 200 lbs

Height: around 6'

Entry Music: Group-WWF Music Volume 3 \ Song-4.Dude Love

Patented Move: Marvin Clutch

How's it done? Marvin wraps his legs around the opponents chest while squeezing their air out he pulls the arms backward. The pain is too much and they quit.

Marvin's W.T.W. History: Marvin is another one who's been with the W.T.W. from the start. He keeps trying to climb that ladder to glory, but keeps falling down! His skill has definitely improved since he first walked into the W.T.W. though! Most of his losses, however, are from The Office Man, who is the biggest guy in our organization! If Marvin keeps improving on his skills, over time, he will become a better athlete.

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