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Axel's Info.

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Wrestling Name: Axel

Real Name: Mitch

Age: 17

Grade: 12th

Weight: 200 lbs

Height: 6"2'

Entry Music: Group-DMX \ Song-Ruff Ryders' Anthem

Famous quote: "Prepare to experience HELL!"

Patented Move: Hellbound

How's it done? Axel puts his opponent's arm between his knees when they're stomach down and lifts up on their chin until they submit.

Axel's W.T.W. History: Axel came to Payback with a cast type thing on his hand, but he still wrestled...and won! He won the W.T.W. Lightweight Championship! An excellent debut, he came, he wrestled, he won, and now he's currently undefeated in the W.T.W.!

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