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W.T.W.'s Picture Gallery

Event -

Final Fued

Shanus tombstones The Custodian for the win!

The Office Man watching the Main Event!

Shanus drops a knee into Stevekind's ribs with Brone reffing!

Kari attacks The Office Man outside the ring and Shanus watches in the background!


The Custodian looks surprised at the camera while helping with clean up

Miscellanious Pics

Group picture of Mark, Marvin, Heff, Ding, and Shanus!

Heff dancin' the "Heff Strut"!

Heff & Mark all up in each other's face!

Mark stapling Heff!

J-Dogg & Marvin duking it out while Stevekind refs the match!

Ding with his Ankle of Agony on Heff!

Stevekind chokeslamming Monkey Man!

The Office Man smashing Marvin with a fall away slam!

Marvin takes a chair shot to the head after a fall on the ladder!

Stevekind recieving the Sharpshooter from Monkey Man!

Shanus & The Office Man preparing to destroy each other!

The Office Man Tombstoning Shanus!

Ding dominates Heff with a low blow! (3 pics!)

Marvin nails Shanus in the side with a board!

Shanus smashes a lawn chair into Marvin's back!

Shanus drilling Marvin with a stunner!

Heff tied up and being drug behind Mark's pick up!

Stevekind with a bone crushing rack on The Custodian!

Shanus with his Arsenal Hold on Marvin!

Marvin pedigrees Shanus to the mat!

Shanus leaping off a roof and aiming for Marvin!

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