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Payback Pandemonium Summarys

1st Match - Marvin vs. Clutch

Regular one on one

Started out pretty regular. Later, Clutch took the upperhand and began to smash Marvin's face with open fists. Marvin's lip was opened but in the end, the time limit expired (20 minutes).

Result - Nobody won, draw.

2nd Match - Heff & Majerus vs. Office Man & Stevekind

Tag Team Titles on the line, tornado

This was (in my opinion) one of the best! The second the bell rang, they dove right into the fight! Lots of good moves and brawling. Lots of jumping by the Office Man. In the end, Heff pinned The Office Man for the 3 count when Office Man had the rope but the ref missed it!

Result - New W.T.W. Tag Team Champions!

3rd Match - Axel vs. Shanus

Lightweight title on the line

This was a pretty subtle match. Mainly grapples and take downs, not brawling and punching. Axel retained the upper hand through out the match. In the end, Axel pinned Shanus in a highschool halfnelson type of pin that Shanus could not get out of. Shanus was pinned for the 3 count.

Result - New W.T.W. Lightweight Champion!

4th Match - Marvin vs. The Office Man

Heavyweight title on the line

This was a quick one! I'd say less then 2 minutes! The Office Man opened with some brawling then went for the staple!!! Marvin was on the rope so Office Man dropped him and dropped an elbow on him! Then pinned Marvin for the 3 count.

Result - Office Man retained Heavyweight title

5th Match - 2 Seniors vs. The Office Man, Majerus, & Ding

Handicap tornado

This was also an excellent bout! Lots of non-stop action all over the ring! After several take downs and numerous pins and submission holds, The Office Man pinnned a senior for the win!

Result - Team of 3 won

6th Match - Alternative battle royal

All non title holders in the ring winning by elimination of the other wrestlers

All kinds of action through out the ring! Chaotic to say the least! Several got eliminated right away.The last few participants to get eliminated were along the lines of Shanus, Stevekind, and Poo. In the end, Keith Kirkwold eliminated his senior friend by throwing him out of the ring.

Result - Keith becomes W.T.W.'s 1st Alternative Champion!

7th Match - Heff vs. Majerus

One on one no DQ

I don't know why, but Heff issued a challenge to Majerus and later that night, Majerus accepted the challenge. They had a lot of closed fist hits and dives on one another. In the end, Heff took Majerus with a pin.

Result - Heff won

8th Match - Jones vs. The Office Man

Regular one on one

The Office Man quickly defeated Jones by a series of relentless attacks. Jones just gave the match to Office Man.

Result - Office Man won

9th Match - Brone vs. Bill

One on one, no dq's

Bill issued the challenge to Brone and Brone accepted if it was no DQ. So, while Brone was putting something down, Bill attack from behind and got the surprise advantage on Brone. They fought tooth and nail for a good while. Bill kneed Brone in the head and this triggered Brone to get a metal rod. Bill backed away while Brone walked at him with the rod. The rod was knocked out of Brone's hand and they again fought harshly on the ground...only this time across the street from the ring! The Office Man came and beat Bill up. What a way to end Payback Pandemonium!

Result - Nobody won, match thrown out