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Shanus' Info.

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Wrestling Name: Shanus

Real Name: Shane

Age: 17

Grade: 12th

Weight: 160 lbs

Height: 5'11"

Entry Music: Group-Chef Aid: South Park Album \ Song-8.Will they die 4 you

Famous quote: "Reaping sole, down your hole."

Patented Move: Arsenal Hold

How do your moves work?: Arsenal Hold Shanus grabs his downed opponent's ankles, on their belly or back, and shoves his foot as far up their butt as he possibly can. The pain is too much and the opponent taps out.

Shanus' W.T.W. History: I've been with the group from the start, and obviously been to every event because all of the W.T.W. events are held in my back yard. From what my friends tell me and what my record shows, I'm an all right wrestler. Not the best, but not the worst, somewhere in the middle. I lost the Lightweight Championship to Axel at Payback Pandemonium. I'm looking forward to getting another shot at the title

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