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Stevekind's Info.

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Wrestling Name: Stevekind

Real Name: Nick

Age: 17

Grade: 12th

Weight: 175 lbs

Height: around 6'1"

Entry Music: Group-WWF Music Volume 2 \ Song-Shawn Michaels

Famous quote: "Prepare to be cut off."

Patented Move: Scissor hold

How does it work?: Scissor hold Stevekind wraps his legs tightly around an opponent's lower rib cage, then continues to squeeze all their air out and crush their ribs until they tap out.

Stevekind's W.T.W. History: Stevekind has been with the W.T.W. since the beginning. He has helped make the ring and created our belts. He has pretty good skill and is basically my equal in the W.T.W. He and The Office Man lost their Tag Team Titles in a tornado match at Payback Pandemonium. He puts up a good fight.

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